Necropolis of S’Adde ‘e Asile

The site of S’Adde ‘e Asile is located on the slopes of Monte Corona ‘e Teula and has 11 domus de Janas plus two excavation attempts. The domus can be found sometimes isolated and sometimes grouped together. Mainly they are divided into two groups: one in the tracked path and one in the lower part where there is no path. There are several important domus, among them the Tomb of the Hourglasses and the Brunuzzu Tomb.

The Tomb of the Hourglasses is a multi-cell hypogeum and is oriented southeast (direction of the sun). It has a small dromos at its entrance. At the end of the dromos is an antechamber and the other cells. It has a ragged shape. The dromos is 3.5 m long and widens slowly toward the entrance.

As for the Brunuzzu tomb, this is 200 meters lower than the Ovile tomb and has an architectural prospect decoration. The entrance, which features a stele door (reminiscent of the small window we find in the tombs of the giants), is divided into two parts: the lower part where we have the entrance to the domus and the upper part where we find the upper part of the stele. In the lower part of the entrance you can also see what was a bench seat that gives rise to a kind of semicircle called an exedra. About 200 meters north of the Brunuzzu Hypogeum, the Tomb of the Barn, so called because of its improper reuse over the centuries, is easily spotted due to the enormous size of its access. Only a few compartments are preserved.

Finally, the Major Tomb, the largest in Sardinia, has 21 rooms inside. Unfortunately, it cannot be accessed because it has collapsed.

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