New Tower

The Capo Frasca Coastal Tower, known as the Frasca Tower or the New Tower, is located at the Capo Frasca promontory, south of the Gulf of Oristano, within the Air Force Military Range. The entire area falls within the Site of Community Interest Corru S’Ittiri Pond and is subject, to landscape constraints and arising from the PPR for the presence of historical cultural heritage related to the pre-Nuragic, Nuragic and Roman periods. There is no exact information on the year of its construction so the probable period of its construction would be between 1577 and 1639. The structure, built with lava stones and basaltic tuffs bonded with lime mortar and insertion of lithic and fictile wedges, has a circular plan, a drum at the base and 5 original internal arches, made of solid bricks, which supported the terrace roof. The building originally must have probably had a domed vault now no longer visible as it has collapsed.

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