Nuraghe Don Micheli

The nuraghe “De Planu” or “Don Micheli” is made of basalt boulders arranged in horizontal rows. The hub section of the tower, which has a diameter of 12.50 m and a wall width of 4 m, is fairly well preserved. The circular cell is accessed through a corridor 4.50 m long. In 1874, archaeologist Giovanni Spano conducted a stratigraphic excavation there, the first one carried out in Sardinia. At a depth of 2 meters, fragments of vessels with handles of different shapes and a matrix excavated in the center emerged; at a depth of 1 meter, fragments of tableware, human bones and an incineration grave were found. In the 1960s, fragments of plain and decorated pottery, a bronze dagger, a few fragments of a stove tripod, comb-decorated pans, and small bowls emerged, referable to a period between the 15th and 9th centuries BCE.

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BUS CTM - Accompagnatore
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Bus CTM - Senza Accompagnatore
La presenza dell’adesivo azzurro alla fermata significa che quella fermata è abilitata all’uso della pedana manuale per salita e discesa dal bus, anche senza accompagnatore.