Nuraghe Sa Domu ‘e S’Orcu

The Nuraghe Sa Domu’e S’Orcu (lit. “the house of the ogre”) has always represented a historic, symbolic place for archaeology enthusiasts and others. It has always been regarded as one of the oldest nuraghi in Sardinia. Its first excavations date back to 1924 by archaeologist Antonio Taramelli. It is a complex bilobed nuraghe and stands at an altitude of 103 m asl on a rise in the Andesitic hill complex that from the summit of Monte Arrubiu slopes, to the east, toward the Gulf of Cagliari, at the mouth of the valley furrowed by the modest stream called Rio Giampera. The nuraghe, built of large polyhedral blocks of andesite, develops for about 24 m along the East/North East-West/South West axis, and consists of two towers with a circular plan, connected by two rectilinear and diverging pincer-shaped wall arms, which delimit an uncovered median courtyard, forming a “tancato” type scheme.

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