Nuraghe Sirai (SiMuC)

Included in the Monte Sirai Archaeological Park, the Nuraghe Sirai (14th-6th centuries B.C.), is a site of exceptional interest for knowledge of the last phase of the Nuragic civilization and the Phoenician presence in Sardinia. The fortress (c. 625-550 B.C.E.) is the only settlement surrounded by mighty eastern-type fortifications; with a strong productive vocation (ceramics, hides, metals and especially glass), it is the result of the integration of a Sardinian-Phoenician community, and is now in light for a large sector of the settlement, characterized by an unprecedented and experimental architecture. The nuraghe, the first to be excavated in the territory of Carbonia, is encompassed in the center of the fortress, on the top of the hill; equipped with a complex plan (at least 5 towers), it possesses great grandeur and an excellent state of preservation, due to the continuous renovations that took place in ancient times. During the tour, it will be possible to observe the circuit of the fortifications, including the pedestrian gate, the sacred area complex with the glass workshop, the slaughtering area and the kiln area; toward the interior, the leather tanning workshop, and finally to the imposing towers and curtains of the nuraghe complex.

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