Peppetto Pau Museum

The multimedia ethnographic museum of the Municipality of Nurachi (OR) is housed in an old manor house made of mud brick and dressed stone. The exhibition is divided into five thematic rooms.

The Dioramas Room (entrance hall), which reproduces the typical natural environment of the wetlands adjacent to the Cabras pond, with the reconstruction of flora and fauna of the area: through special dispensers, the typical noises and smells of the wetlands are diffused, so that the visitor can experience the sensations of a real presence in the area.
The Unfired Earth Room, dedicated to the traditional architecture of the village based on unfired earth bricks (Su ladrini) made from a mixture of mud and straw; in addition to the display of unfired bricks, several panels retrace and illustrate the history and typical construction techniques of this area of Campidano.
The Music Room, a multimedia room dedicated to launeddas, a traditional reed instrument from Campidano.

The installation “Su cannaxiu” (“The Reed Grove”), with a setting of full and empty spaces represents the raw material from which launeddas are made. Through appropriate lighting, the installation is projected onto the four walls of the room enveloping the visitor as, metaphorically, the polyphonic sound of launeddas envelops the listener. Out of the reedbed come touch-screen monitors, stereo headphones, and TrackBall devices that allow users to navigate the multimedia application containing text, photographic, film, and audio information about the musical instrument. The visitor is further engaged educationally by tuning and playing launeddas virtually through an interactive application.

The Food Room, a multimedia room dedicated to traditional foods. The Food Room houses the installation “Sa mesa” (“The Table”): a table and chests set with plates on the bottom of which films are running regarding the preparation of traditional foods and the social contexts related to them, constructing the metaphor of eating images. The effect was achieved by making bottomless plates resting on the table, in which LCD monitors and DVD players are embedded. As the footage scrolls through the air, the aromas of the dishes being illustrated at that moment waft through the air.
The Educational Room, a room equipped with a large screen and several benches for visitors, in which multimedia content regarding the history and traditions of the area is broadcast.

At the back of the museum house is a large courtyard overlooked by other outbuildings, which have been restored and are also included in the tour route: the old wood-burning oven, the olive press, the wine cellar, and the stables for the horses.

Also in connection with the court is a fully equipped outdoor performance area, the site of numerous cultural and entertainment events in the summer season.

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