Picciau House

Located in the area of S’Arriu (current little gardens on Redeemer Street), the Picciau House is an example of an early twentieth-century padro- nal dwelling that belonged to a local winemaking family. Due to its courtyard structure, the House re-proposes the Campidanese dwelling module, but it is partly detached from it since the terrace above the loggia and the rooms on the upper floor are indicators of a structural evolution of the traditional housing model. The housing and functional family work complex was built on a plot of about 700 square meters and consists of five main bodies: the living part, the kitchen, the stable, the rooms for the shelter of tools and for the overnight stay of helpers, and the warehouse. The dwelling is built on two levels, on the ground floor the loggia with the bedrooms and on the upper floor the rooms that, at the time, were used for living and receiving guests. To the right of the facade are the kitchen rooms, followed by the stable and a small dump room. The warehouse still contains, to this day, a number of large barrels that testify to a flourishing wine production activity that was around 30,000 liters annually. To the right of the entrance is the well made of sandstone from the nearby locality of Matta Masoni used in Monserrato for making door jambs. To the left of the entrance are the auxiliary rooms for the overnight stay of the helpers who worked during the grape harvest. Characteristic of these compartments is the kitchen with a fireplace, an oven that could hold up to twenty loaves of bread, and stoves for heating food.

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Visita in Lingua italiana dei Segni ( LIS )

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Bus CTM - Senza Accompagnatore
La presenza dell’adesivo azzurro alla fermata significa che quella fermata è abilitata all’uso della pedana manuale per salita e discesa dal bus, anche senza accompagnatore.