Port museum of lateen sails

Inaugurated in April 2023 to mark the 40th anniversary of Latin Sail, it houses some of the characteristic gozzi of Stintino’s seafaring tradition. This type of rigging was introduced to the Mediterranean in the early medieval period by the Arabs and involves a triangular, free-base sail attached to the boat’s only mast (called an antenna), plus a jib or polycone at the bow. In 1983, in the face of a shipbuilding activity now in unstoppable decline, there still existed in the port of Stintino a small fleet of Latin sailboats miraculously intact: to save them, and at the same time to try to stimulate a resurgence of interest in this heritage of history and ancient knowledge, the Latin Sail Regatta was established. Since then, the growing success of the event has gradually involved not only a large number of gozzi and guzzette stintinesi, but also the navies of all the ports of Sardinia, others on the peninsula and even neighboring Corsica, Provence and Catalonia.

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