Punic necropolis

In the historic center of Villamar, between Via Roma and Via Vittorio Emanuele, is located the Punic necropolis. The first archaeological discoveries date back to 1984, when following a discovery during some public works on Vittorio Emanuele Street, an excavation was initiated that led to the discovery of three chamber tombs with shaft access. Following further discoveries, which occurred incidentally during the construction of the rest house, additional Punic tombs came to light. It was decided to build the rest home elsewhere, and an excavation was initiated by the Archaeological Superintendence for the provinces of Cagliari and Oristano. Several excavation campaigns have occurred over the years, uncovering several chamber and pit tombs. Some tombs have paintings on the walls, others geometric motifs. Inside the tombs, grave goods have been found that document the punicity of the deceased.

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