The Riu Saliu plant, on the border between Monserrato and Cagliari, was built in the late 1980s’ on an area of 10000 sq. m. Initially consisting only of the geodesic dome, it saw its completion in the 1990s with the addition of a skating rink and 5-a-side soccer field. It underwent a long period of decline and vandalism until 2019, when a network of Monserrato sports clubs headed by EPS PGS Sardegna took over management of the facility, bringing it to near-complete restoration. Of key importance, in addition to the sports facilities, is the green area, which occupies about 5,000 square meters and is home to a variety of species. The holm oaks are certainly the most numerous, while the poplars and washingtonia palms reach the roofs of the buildings touching 15 meters in height. In the main avenue, one is greeted by acacias, which in spring show themselves in all the splendor of their fragrant white blossoms. Color-wise, first place rightfully belongs to cercis siliquastrum, whose pink flowers fill the still leafless branches. Instead, the red is given by the blooming Callistemon, which, along with the papyrus, surrounds the fountain just before the kiosk. The last to bloom are the Jacarandas, whose purple-blue flowers await summer. But to accompany you on your walks you will also find ficus with intricate roots, wind-bent carob trees, fragrant mastic trees that reach 3 meters in height, and many other surprises and curiosities. More than just a sports facility, Riu Saliu is a true Sports Park.