Sa Rughittola Roman Aqueduct

Olbia’s Roman aqueduct is the best preserved in Roman Sardinia. Built at the height of the imperial age (between the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD), it transported water from the springs of Cabu Abbas to the baths of the ancient city via a 3.5-kilometer route. At Sa Rughittula – via Mincio a portion over a hundred meters long is visible, in which two entire arches and a limaria pool stand out, documenting very well the monumentality and functionality of these structures peculiar to the Roman world. A large, recently restored cistern, perhaps intended for the water needs of a villa or latifundia, made of opus caementicium, is visible in front of the aqueduct. The interior is covered with a thick layer of earthenware, which is useful for waterproofing. Other remains of the Roman aqueduct can be seen at Nanni Street (monument 8) and Canova Street.

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