Sacred Heart Regional Seminary

The Sacred Heart Major Seminary was inaugurated on August 5, 1927, designed by engineer Giuseppe Momo, who was also the author of the seminaries in Assisi, Fano and Molfetta. The structure, made entirely of andesite and basalt, is inspired by medieval Romanesque architecture, developing over three floors in four bodies arranged in a quadrilateral pattern, over a central porticoed courtyard. The bell tower stands out from the austere mass of the building because of its distinctive crowning characterized by five spires, probably derived from the bell towers of the local Basilica of Our Lady of the Snows.

The imposing structure majestically overlooks the square dedicated to Pius XI, the pontiff who granted the request from Sardinian clergy who wished to establish a regional seminary that would provide spiritual and cultural preparation for priests. Cuglieri was chosen as an ideal location because of its centrality, mixed mountain-marine climate, and not excessive distance from the railway line.

The Seminary’s activities, entrusted to the Jesuit fathers of the Turin Province, continued for 44 years until the Society of Jesus relinquished management of the facility and the institution moved to Cagliari in 1971. From 1928 to 1970, about 1100 priests came out of the regional seminary, about 20 of whom became bishops. The presence of the seminary and the educational and spiritual work of the Jesuit fathers represented for the area and the local population an opportunity for spiritual growth and a socio-economic reference point.

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