Sardinian Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography

The Sardinian Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography was founded in 1953 by Prof. Carlo Maxia. It has been based in the Monserrato University Citadel since 1998. He is currently a member of the Interdepartmental Center for Museums, Collections and Historical Archives (CIMCAS) of the University of Cagliari. The museum houses a collection of human skeletal remains, dating from around 4,000 years BC. C., a collection of paleopathological remains, including two drilled skulls from the Nuragic period, a series of casts representative of major

stages of human evolution, a collection of skeletal remains used for educational purposes. The museum also houses a collection of traditional Sardinian clothing, musical instruments, objects from the peasant and pastoral tradition, lithic and clay artifacts from the protohistoric period, ancient prints, a collection of votive offerings, and a collection of slides and films on the evidence of Sardinian protohistory and folk traditions. Two mummies and some anatomical preparations from the last century are very interesting.

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Legenda Accessibilità

Accesibilità al Monumento
Accessibilità con accompagnatore
Disponibilità di parcheggio
Servizi igienici
Visita in Lingua italiana dei Segni ( LIS )

Legenda Accessibilità Mezzi

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Bus CTM - Senza Accompagnatore
La presenza dell’adesivo azzurro alla fermata significa che quella fermata è abilitata all’uso della pedana manuale per salita e discesa dal bus, anche senza accompagnatore.