St. Paul’s Prepositional House

The St. Paul’s Prepositural House building, of ancient origin but remodeled several times over the centuries, looks today like a late 18th-early 19th-century urban palace, with a large Renaissance-style entrance portal and an interior portico reminiscent of 16th-century Spanish-style courtyards. During the latest restorations, the base of a medieval tower emerged at the corner of Annoni Street and Cimarosa Street, confirming the antiquity of the building core. A small museum collection has been set up in the palace, witnessing “a history of faith and art of an entire parish,” with precious vestments, liturgical objects, lace, tapestries, reliquaries, missals, and paintings. The archives of the Prepositura di Cantù, full of thousands of papers and documents that can be placed in a time span of about 700 years, were also placed here.

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