Sword House

The Spada house is located in the historic center, has an area of 600 sq. m. and 200 sq. m. of covered articulated on two levels. It is a double court house of Campidanese type, made of unfired earth, possibly of 18th-century layout, expanded and remodeled in the early 1900s.

The acquisition of the structure and the subsequent restoration were desired by the city administration for the purpose of making it a place of remembrance.

The building at the time of purchase was in a poor state of preservation. The restoration respected the historical stratigraphies and left legible traces of the different construction phases. In the course of the work, for reasons of functionality, new rooms were created that were absolutely respectful of the characters of historical-traditional architecture, both in the choice of materials and construction techniques.

The house offers furnishings and tools and allows visitors to observe the traces of the old farming civilization and, with the aids introduced, the past and recent history of Soleminis. The whole appears harmonious and it is easy for the visitor to distinguish the old from the new, to observe the artifacts on display without the aid of labels or captions. The guest can leaf through the book that recounts the birth and evolution of the village, can hear from the living voice of elders life experiences, farm and domestic work, feasting and mourning, religiosity and superstitions. The hope is to give an emotion, to live naturally in an environment that you feel you know, where you imagine living and telling stories, protected within a world that rediscovers natural rhythms.

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