Heritage on the Way – European Heritage Days 2024

Creators of Beauty

With Emilio Casalini, Sept. 28 at 10:30 a.m., at the Saline Theater in Cagliari.

Admission is free while seats last, reservations are recommended at the following link: https://forms.gle/erT8R1AY74rxd3LYA

A journey through the best examples of valuing and storytelling our tangible and intangible heritage.
To be inspired by many models that can be replicated and make us active agents of change, to see how much room for action we have, to get excited about setting ourselves in motion, and to see that it often also means being more aware, satisfied with our daily lives.
And also happy.

Emilio Casalini, author and host of the rai3 program, GenerAzione Bellezza, takes the stage at Imago Mundi OdV on a journey to discover the value of Sardinia and Italy’s heritage.
A journey to discover how much unexpressed potential still surrounds us and how much storytelling and enhancement is possible.
An exciting and unique journey that passes through the involvement of every person who not only loves their land, but also has their own aspirations, talents, and dreams.

Here, then, is the story of those who have made it through GenerAzione Bellezza’s journey in its first five years on the air and the many stories, including from Sardinia, of success.
Stories of individual visionaries and communities who decided to stop complaining, rolled up their sleeves and determined their own destiny by writing it with their own hands.
Examples of all kinds, from archaeology to art, agriculture to crafts, stories within a single mosaic.
From Berchidda to Mamoiada, from Atzara to Lollove, stories joined to all the other examples from the rest of Italy by the red thread of the courage to start when everyone told you it was impossible.

On stage, along with Casalini, will be three experiences demonstrating the purpose of the event: to promote and enhance cultural heritage, the heritage by which we are surrounded.
There will be two witnesses Marco Badolati outreach educator of the San Gennaro Community Foundation and Emanuele Russo president of the La Sorte Cooperative in the Sanità neighborhood of Naples, who are transforming a marginalized and dangerous urban area into a wonderful tourist attraction defined by the director general of UNESCO as “one of the best examples of urban regeneration in the world.”
The abandoned catacombs have become an attractor capable of generating a positive economic flow capable of changing the life of an entire piece of the city to one of the most important living Italian sculptors-Jago.

Along with community engagement, however, there is a need for public institutions that stimulate, support, promote, facilitate things.
And here on stage will be Enzo Di Natale Mayor of Aielli, Abruzzo, where around the tale of the universe and murals that feature an entire novel-“Fontamara” by Ignazio Silone-on a wall, an entire community has been reborn, young people have returned to welcome one hundred thousand tourists annually when before there were zero.
And children are creating art to contribute to the development of their country.

But there will also be voices of enhancement from Sardinia such as those of the Santa Barbara Mining Trail Foundation with director Ponziana Ledda, a 500-kilometer route that in addition to the natural wonders of Sardinia allows people to discover the island’s great mining history.
The narrative of one’s own living memory blending with that of the millennia to create development and well-being even in the youth of today who can find their own dimension and follow their most authentic expectations.

Emilio Casalini will activate a comparison between these concrete and replicable examples of visionaries and dreamers he met in his wanderings in every corner of Italy who will tell their “secrets” to achieve the enviable results that characterize them today, and the experience of Monumenti Aperti ,with the testimonies of president Massimiliano Messina and vice president Tiziana Sassu, which for 30 years has involved public institutions, schools and thousands of volunteers in the enhancement of cultural heritage, giving a strong impulse to the social and economic sustainability of Italian communities.

The event is realized with the support of the Ministry of Culture, the Autonomous Region of Sardinia and the Foundation of Sardinia.