Roman Villa

The Villa Romana on the coast of Quartu, in the locality of Sant’Andrea, is one of the few examples of imperial-era settlement in a nonurban context in Sardinia. It has been restored, consolidated and made visitable thanks to a small square above it. On the sea, a series of rooms that are not communicating with each other is arranged in two parallel rows, and the presence of two cylindrical wells on either side of a kind of aedicule suggests the alternation of covered and uncovered rooms. The floor was composed of large bricks. Fragments of tegulae hamatae (bricks used in thermal environments) suggested that the building was equipped with a hot-air heating system. Other structures, of which the elevated part did not remain, surfaced at different distances from the water. At the time of discovery, apart from the wall technique, no useful elements were found to date the structure: the walls were built with regular alternation between bricks and small stone ashlars, a mixed-work construction technique used in Sardinia in the 3rd-4th centuries AD. Today, further studies are awaited to date the Villa more precisely.

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