Since 2014, the Imago Mundi Onlus Cultural Association has commissioned a special heritage writing and storytelling project The words of beauty, dedicated to primary and secondary school students, designed by writer Luigi Dal Cin, author of more than 90 children’s books translated into 10 different languages and 2013 Andersen Award. The project was created to highlight the artistic, historical and cultural value of the monuments of the urban realities in which we live, using the power of storytelling.

Your class, your comprehensive school, can also live the unique experience of a very special educational project, a proven, educational, instructive, unforgettable educational experiment … for information write to the email or or contact 070/6402115

“The encounter between mass-media modernity and oral storytelling,” says Dal Cin, “has been happening in Italy for some time, and it seems to have undermined the latter. It is as if we are depriving ourselves of a faculty that seemed inalienable: the ability to exchange experiences. To value storytelling means instead to return to the patient reconstruction of historical consciousness, to the interpersonal communication-even between different generations-of meaningful experiences, to listening to the other; to promote a real storytelling identity, untying the value of people and experiences from economic productivism.
It is basically about being able to give voice to the universal deep desire for storytelling: to bring back stories first and foremost, and have them leaven from the taste of storytelling, from the desire to communicate oneself to another person, thus bringing different identities closer together.”

Dal Cin worked in Primary and Secondary School classrooms in Sardinia and Piedmont, and with pupils and teachers he opened his “treasure trove,” revealing the writer’s secrets: first and foremost, observation.

“In order for children to ‘appropriate’ the monument and the place,” Dal Cin says, “it is important to help them observe, to ‘steal with their eyes’ those precious details that can serve as a cue for the narrative and, more generally, to guide them in getting to know the monument and the place using all the senses.

“We wanted to carry out a project,” says Dal Cin, “that would bring pupils closer to the treasures of their city and terriotrio using a tool that is new to art, history and museums, but well-used by children and young people; a very powerful tool: storytelling. Thus, I devised narrative plots, which I then placed in the hands of pupils and teachers for them to complete with each other’s sensibilities: in this way, we created short stories, dedicated to the historical-artistic-cultural treasures of the city and its territory, with a real narrative structure and real characters.

Indeed, I am convinced that children and young people’s audiences are primarily interested in compelling narrative plots, and that only the use of skillful storytelling makes it possible to convey-with not only intellectual but also emotional involvement-historical, artistic and cultural information. In so-called ‘children’s popularization’ texts, however, information is often presented without any narrative appeal, without a real story. Instead, the challenge in bringing kids to any content I think lies in being able to build a real adventure that can create fascination and ultimately entertain them. This, I believe, is the right way to get information across to kids: put it in a solid narrative context that is not a deceptive pretext used only to ‘teach’. So we created characters that were characterized, strongly recognizable, and a real adventure with a beginning, real twists, a real ending-a real narrative, in short.”

An entertaining narrative through which children and young people were able to approach various levels to knowledge of the city and the area, accompanied by information diluted in the narrative and a plot and language capable of creating a new atmosphere around treasures that are sometimes described in a way that is not very appealing to young audiences.

“In the end, the real motivation for this ‘daring enterprise’ I think is the love I have for beauty and culture: the stories we have written together are an invitation for everyone, adults and children alike, to experience it intensely. In fact, I think there is, in every educational path, a right to beauty, to be exercised with increasing force in the face of the pre-packaged and stereotyped fantasies in which we are immersed. For the city and its territory to be able to provide these tools to families, I believe it is strategic for our children to attend beauty and culture. I feel that in this project we have achieved, all together, just that magic.”

More than ten original short stories, written by Luigi Dal Cin with the children  of the schools involved, were produced as a result of the project.

Some stories written by the children were also staged thanks to the direction of actor and director Fabio Marceddu and musician Antonello Murgia of Teatrodallarmadio.

Cagliari, Open Monuments 2019

On the occasion of the XXIII edition, writer Luigi Dal Cin wrote the short story “

Gramsci Square, please, I’m in a hurry

from which the scenic outcomes of the special project of writing and dramatization of cultural heritage “The Words of Beauty,” under the PON call “For School, Competencies and Environments for Learning,” by Imago Mundi Onlus, were developed.

“The Courage of Ideas,” a play where Gramsci’s biography is intertwined with his thought, which is as relevant and necessary as ever, will be staged on Saturday, May 11 at the EXMA Municipal Center at 4 p.m. and again at 5:30 p.m.

Dramaturgy by Antonello Murgia in collaboration with Fabio Marceddu.
Directed by Antonello Murgia.
On stage are classes III and IV of the Primo Circolo didattico San Giovanni Bosco, of Sestu.

Cagliari, Open Monuments 2018

The following stories and plays were produced for the XXII edition:

Dream Francis dreams Story by Luigi Dal Cin written with the children of the Randaccio Tuveri Don Milani Comprehensive Institute from which the dramatization was taken The Voices of Dreams by Fabio Marceddu and with direction and sound processing by Antonello Murgia.

Sogna Francesco sognaStory by Luigi Dal Cin written with the children of the I Circolo Didattico San Giovanni Bosco from which the dramaturgy was taken
The Voices of Dreams
by Fabio Marceddu and with direction and sound elaborations by Antonello Murgia

Examples of storytelling through school collaborations:

The following stories, which originated from the writing and storytelling project “The Words of Beauty” on the occasion of Monumenti Aperti 2014, were also broadcast by Radio Magica:


  • The Candle in the Storm

    – Story by Luigi Dal Cin written with the III B of the Buscaglia Street Primary School of the Monsignor Saba Comprehensive Institute of Elmas (CA) –(Open Monuments 2014)
  • The Candle in the Storm – Story by Luigi Dal Cin written with the III C of the Buscaglia Street Primary School of the Monsignor Saba Comprehensive Institute of Elmas (CA) –(Open Monuments 2014)

  • The Mud Snake

    – Short story by Luigi Dal Cin written with I A and I B of the Istituto Comprensivo ‘Cesare Pavese’ Secondary School in Santo Stefano Belbo (CN) –(Monumenti Aperti 2014)

  • The Mud Snake

    – Story by Luigi Dal Cin written with the III A of the Primary School of the Istituto Comprensivo ‘Cesare Pavese’ in Santo Stefano Belbo (CN) –(Monumenti Aperti 2014)
  • The Mud Snake – Story by Luigi Dal Cin written with the III B of the Primary School of the Istituto Comprensivo ‘Cesare Pavese’ in Santo Stefano Belbo (CN) –(Monumenti Aperti 2014)

  • The Mud Snake

    – Story by Luigi Dal Cin written with the IV A of the Primary School of the Istituto Comprensivo ‘Cesare Pavese’ in Santo Stefano Belbo (CN) –(Monumenti Aperti 2014)

  • The Mud Snake

    – Story by Luigi Dal Cin written with the IV B of the Primary School of the Istituto Comprensivo ‘Cesare Pavese’ in Santo Stefano Belbo (CN) –(Monumenti Aperti 2014)

  • The Mud Snake

    – Story by Luigi Dal Cin written with the V A and V B of the Primary School of the Istituto Comprensivo ‘Cesare Pavese’ in Santo Stefano Belbo (CN) –(Monumenti Aperti 2014)

Luigi Dal Cin presents the project “The Words of Beauty,” commissioned by the Cultural Association Imago Mundi ONLUS

“The Words of Beauty” becomes a propaedeutic video that reveals the secrets of effectively writing a monument narrative

[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent="yes" overflow="visible"][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type="1_1" last="yes" spacing="yes" center_content="no" hide_on_mobile="no" background_color="" background_image="" background_repeat="no-repeat" background_position="left top" hover_type="none" link="" border_position="all" border_size="0px" border_color="" border_style="" padding="" margin_top="" margin_bottom="" animation_type="" animation_direction="" animation_speed="0.1" animation_offset="" class="" id=""][fusion_text]Since 2014, the Imago Mundi Onlus Cultural Association has commissioned a special heritage writing and storytelling project The words of beauty, dedicated to primary and secondary school students, designed by writer Luigi Dal Cin, author of more than 90 children's books translated into 10 different languages and 2013 Andersen Award. The project was created to highlight the artistic, historical and cultural value of the monuments of the urban realities in which we live, using the power of storytelling.
Your class, your comprehensive school, can also live the unique experience of a very special educational project, a proven, educational, instructive, unforgettable educational experiment ... for information write to the email or or contact 070/6402115
"The encounter between mass media modernity and oral storytelling," says Dal Cin, "has been happening in Italy for some time now, and it seems to have put the latter in crisis. It is as if we are depriving ourselves of a faculty that seemed inalienable: the ability to exchange experiences. Instead, giving value to narrative means returning to the patient reconstruction of historical consciousness, to the interpersonal communication-even between different generations-of meaningful experiences, to listening to the other; to promote a real narrative identity, untying the value of people and experiences from economic productivism. It is basically a matter of knowing how to give voice to the universal deep desire to narrate: to bring back stories first of all, and to make them rise from the taste for storytelling, from the desire to communicate oneself to another person, thus bringing different identities closer." dalcinelmas1Dal Cin worked in Primary and Secondary School classrooms in Sardinia and Piedmont, and with pupils and teachers he opened his "treasure trove," revealing the writer's secrets: first and foremost, observation. "In order for children to 'appropriate' the monument and the place," Dal Cin says, "it is important to help them observe, to 'steal with their eyes' those precious details that can serve as a cue for the narrative and, more generally, to guide them in getting to know the monument and the place using all the senses. "We wanted to create a project," says Dal Cin, "that would bring pupils closer to the treasures of their city and terriotrio using a tool that is new to art, history and museums, but well frequented by children and young people; a very powerful tool: storytelling. Thus, I devised narrative plots, which I then placed in the hands of pupils and teachers so that they could complete them with each one's sensibility: in this way, we created stories, dedicated to the historical-artistic-cultural treasures of the city and its territory, with a real narrative structure and real characters. Indeed, I am convinced that the audience of children and young people are primarily interested in compelling narrative plots, and that only the use of skillful storytelling allows to convey - with not only intellectual but also emotional involvement - historical, artistic and cultural information. In so-called 'children's popularization' texts, however, information is often presented without any narrative appeal, without a real story. Instead, the challenge of bringing kids closer to any content, I believe, lies in knowing how to construct a real adventure capable of creating fascination and, in the end, entertaining them. This, I believe, is the right way to get information across to kids: put it in a solid narrative context that is not a deceptive pretext used only to 'teach'. So we created characters that are characterized, strongly recognizable, and a real adventure with a beginning, real twists, a real ending: a real narrative, in short." An entertaining narrative through which children and young people were able to approach various FROM CIN 800x600levels to knowledge of the city and the area, accompanied by information diluted in the narrative and a plot and language capable of creating a new atmosphere around treasures that are sometimes described in a way that is not very appealing to young audiences. "In the end, the real motivation for this 'daring enterprise' I think is the love I have for beauty and culture: the stories we have written together are an invitation for everyone, adults and children alike, to experience it intensely. In fact, I think there is, in every educational path, a right to beauty, to be exercised with increasing force in the face of the pre-packaged and stereotyped fantasies in which we are immersed. For the city and its territory to be able to provide these tools to families, I believe it is strategic for our children to attend beauty and culture. I feel that in this project we have achieved, all together, just that magic." Thanks to the project, more than ten original short stories were produced, written by Luigi Dal Cin with the children of the schools involved. Some stories written by the children were also staged thanks to the direction of actor and director Fabio Marceddu and musician Antonello Murgia of Teatrodallarmadio.[/fusion_text][fusion_separator style_type="single solid" top_margin="10px" bottom_margin="10px" sep_color="" border_size="" icon="" icon_circle="" icon_circle_color="" width="" alignment="center" class="" id="" /][fusion_text]

Cagliari Monumenti Aperti 2019

On the occasion of the XXIII edition, writer Luigi Dal Cin wrote the short story "Piazza Gramsci, please, I'm in a hurry" from which were developed the escenic sites of the special project of writing and theatricalization of cultural heritage "The Words of Beauty," as part of the PON call "For Schools, Skills and Environments for Learning," by Imago Mundi Onlus. "The Courage of Ideas," a play where Gramsci's biography is intertwined with his thought, which is as relevant and necessary as ever, will be staged on Saturday, May 11 at the EXMA Municipal Center at 4 p.m. and again at 5:30 p.m.   Dramaturgies By Antonello Murgia in collaboration with Fabio Marceddu. Directed by Antonello Murgia. On stage classes III and IV of the Primo Circolo didattico San Giovanni Bosco, of Sestu.   [/fusion_text][fusion_text]

Cagliari Monumenti Aperti 2018

The following stories and plays were produced for the XXII edition:   Dream Francis Dreams - Story by Luigi Dal Cin written with the children of the Randaccio Tuveri Don Milani Comprehensive Institute from which the dramaturgy was taken The Voices of Dreams by Fabio Marceddu and with direction and sound elaborations by Antonello Murgia Sogna Francesco sogna - Story by Luigi Dal Cin written with the children of the I Circolo Didattico San Giovanni Bosco from which the dramaturgy was taken The Voices of Dreams by Fabio Marceddu and with direction and sound elaborations by Antonello Murgia[/fusion_text][fusion_separator style_type="single solid" top_margin="10px" bottom_margin="10px" sep_color="" border_size="" icon="" icon_circle="" icon_circle_color="" width="" alignment="center" class="" id="" /][fusion_text]

Examples of storytelling through school collaborations:

The following stories, which originated from the writing and storytelling project "The Words of Beauty" on the occasion of Monumenti Aperti 2014, were also broadcast by Radio Magica: LISTEN TO THE STORIES
  • The Candle in the Storm - Story by Luigi Dal Cin written with the III B of the Buscaglia Street Primary School of the Monsignor Saba Comprehensive Institute of Elmas (CA) -(Open Monuments 2014)
  • The Candle in the Storm - Story by Luigi Dal Cin written with the III C of the Buscaglia Street Primary School of the Monsignor Saba Comprehensive Institute of Elmas (CA) -(Open Monuments 2014)
  • The Mud Snake - Short story by Luigi Dal Cin written with I A and I B of the Istituto Comprensivo 'Cesare Pavese' Secondary School in Santo Stefano Belbo (CN) -(Monumenti Aperti 2014)
  • The Mud Snake - Story by Luigi Dal Cin written with the III A of the Primary School of the Istituto Comprensivo 'Cesare Pavese' in Santo Stefano Belbo (CN) -(Monumenti Aperti 2014)
  • The Mud Snake - Story by Luigi Dal Cin written with the III B of the Primary School of the Istituto Comprensivo 'Cesare Pavese' in Santo Stefano Belbo (CN) -(Monumenti Aperti 2014)
  • The Mud Snake - Story by Luigi Dal Cin written with the IV A of the Primary School of the Istituto Comprensivo 'Cesare Pavese' in Santo Stefano Belbo (CN) -(Monumenti Aperti 2014)
  • The Mud Snake - Story by Luigi Dal Cin written with the IV B of the Primary School of the Istituto Comprensivo 'Cesare Pavese' in Santo Stefano Belbo (CN) -(Monumenti Aperti 2014)
  • The Mud Snake - Story by Luigi Dal Cin written with the V A and V B of the Primary School of the Istituto Comprensivo 'Cesare Pavese' in Santo Stefano Belbo (CN) -(Monumenti Aperti 2014)
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Luigi Dal Cin presents the project "The Words of Beauty," commissioned by the Cultural Association Imago Mundi ONLUS
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"The Words of Beauty" becomes a propaedeutic video that reveals the secrets of effectively writing a monument narrative
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